3rd International Research Conference «THE WORLD OF ISLAM: HISTORY, SOCIETY, CULTURE»

3rd International Research Conference


22-24 October 2014, Moscow



The Margarita Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (LFL) in collaboration with the Mardjani Foundation (MF) are organizing the Third International Research Conference which will take place at LFL in Moscow on 22-24 October 2014.


The first conference “The World of Islam” was inaugurated by the MF in 2007. It took place at the Russian State University for Humanities. The second conference was held in the People’s Friendship University of Russia in 2010. Both research meetings gathered specialists on Islamic and Russian studies from leading Russian and foreign university centers. They considered a wide range of problems related to inter-regional and inter-disciplinary study of Islamic cultural and theological legacy, past and present development of Muslim societies, as well as methodological and organizational issues of Islamic studies at the age of modern globalization. Initially it was decided to make disciplinary scope of the conference as wide as possible to enable productive inter-disciplinary dialogue between historians, anthropologists, sociologists, philologists, philosophers, political scientists and other specialists involved in the study of Muslim societies throughout the world whose interests are close to the research repertoire examined in the conferences.

Reaching its third conference “The World of Islam” aims

  • to foster high-quality, original and innovative research, both theoretical and empirical, in history and across the social sciences on key topics related to Islam and Muslim societies;
  • to cover all Muslim regions as widely as possible with topics related to Islam, including their mutual relationships and relations with Russia’s Muslims;
  • to focus on historical, cultural, economic and socio-political issues;
  • to enable research collaboration between specialists in related fields of human and social sciences whose study focuses on Islam;
  • to encourage publication and dissemination of this research in edited volumes, thematic issues of learned journals, and the “The World of Islam” Working Papers.


Working languages are Russian, English and Arabic. There will be no translation or interpretation services available.



The “The World of Islam” 2014 consists of 8 workshops. Each workshop is directed by one-two or three workshop directors and on average includes 20 participants. The participants of each workshop meet in four sessions for a total of approximately fourteen hours over two days. They discuss papers, general topics, ways to publish the papers, and how to continue collaborative efforts. Plenary and social events are organised during the MRM. In addition, two or three more thematic round tables might be held during the conference. The eventual list of workshops and round tables will be available on the Mardjani Foundation website http://www.mardjani.ru/ru/projects-news/conference.html by February 20 2014.


Applications for listening participants are now open.

Deadline: 1 May 2014.



1. Problems of Studying the “Classical” Islamic Heritage: Source Studies, Historiography, History of Islamic Thought directed by

Pavel V. Basharin, Russian State University for Humanities, Mardjani Foundation, pbasharin@yandex.ru

Jens Scheiner, Göttingen University, jschein@uni-goettingen.de


2. Islam in Russia and Eurasian Space: Rethinking legacy of the Archival Revolution of the 1990s directed by

Dmitry Yu. Arapov, Moscow State University

Vladimir O. Bobrovnikov, Institute for Oriental Studies, Mardjani Foundation, Vladimir.Bobrovnikov@gmail.com,

Aydar Yu. Khabutdinov, Russian Academy of Justice (Kazan), Mardjani Foundation, aihabutdinov@mail.ru


3. Islamic Response to the challenges of Modernity: ideas, persons, institutes

directed by

Ilshat G. Saetov, Margarita Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature saetov@gmail.com Мarina Sapronova, Moscow State Institute of International Relations

 MGIMO, m.sapronova@inno.mgimo.ru 


4. Contemporary Islam in sociological perspective: practices, discourses, methodological questions directed by

 Guzel Sabirova (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Centre for Youth Studies, St. Petersburg, Russia) guzelsabir@gmail.com, MA in sociology, D. Garaev (The Center for Cultural Studies of Postsocialism, Kazan Federal University, Russia / University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands) danis.garaev@gmail.com  


5. Anthropological and Sociological Approaches to the Study of Muslim Societies directed by

Nikolay S. Terletsky, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), terletsky@inbox.ru


6. Islam and Migration Processes directed by

Serguey N. Abashin, European University in St. Petersburg, abashin@mail.ru


7. Art and Material Culture of the Muslim World directed by

Anton D. Pritula, State Hermitage Museum, pritulanna@googlemail.com


8. Manuscripts and Rare Books of the Islamicate World directed by

Ilya V. Zaytsev, Margarita Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature, iliaz@libfl.ru

Olga M. Yastrebova, Russian National Library in St. Petersburg, yastrebochek@gmail.com


9. Eastern Christianity and Islam directed by

Tarek M. Muhammad, Ayn Shams University, Egypt, tarekmansoureg@yahoo.com

Wessam A. Farag, Mansourah University, Egypt wesamfarag_97@hotmail.com


How to apply

Candidates apply online contacting directors of the workshop they are interested in, who will evaluate their request and decide whether to accept their participation. Application materials should include:

  • a paper proposal of approximately 300 words in Russian, English or Arabic;
  • contact information of the applicant: family and given names, academic degree and rank(s), affiliation, e-mail and postal address, phone and/or fax numbers/

Co-authored papers might be proposed. It is possible to apply for more than one workshop submitting the online application for each workshop separately. Please note that workshops are held simultaneously and you will not be able to go from one workshop to the other.



Workshop directors select the paper proposals, and the results of the selection process will be communicated to all applicants by 21 May 2014. All selected candidates need to confirm their participation by e-mail to their workshop directors within 10 days of the receipt of an invitation to participate. Participants should guarantee their participation in all sessions of their workshop.

Participants pay for their own travel and accommodation costs. However, they will benefit from a special discount rate in hotels close to the place where the conference will be held.

Non-Russian citizens will receive a letter of official invitation to facilitate visa procedures.


For all enquiries, please contact the “The World of Islam” Scientific Coordination Team at libmardjani@gmail.com


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